The Beer Store

The Beer Store
Manfred Gotthans, Chris Yaneff
Studio: Unknown
Origin: 1990, Canada
Status: Retired


I remember like it was yesterday—I was 19 and attending college in Oakville, Ontario. It was my first time walking up under the orange glow of The Beer Store sign and opening its revered doors. I strolled back to the walk-in fridge, eyed a two-four of Molson Canadian and placed it on the conveyor. This was the most ingenious innovation that the Beer Store offered, a roller conveyor that easily transported your case of beer from the walk-in fridge to the checkout line. I still remember the whooshing sound the rollers made as the case traveled to the front. I made many trips throughout my time living in Ontario—it’s a true Canadian experience.

Though The Beer Store wordmark was updated, I still love the old school wordmark. Mostly because of the connected serif letters with their soft welcoming corners, paired with the bright orange brand color. It left a distinct impression.

Photo Description & Credit:
1. The Beer Store, storefront - Acadia Broadcasting, staff photo
2. The Beer Store logo on a pole sign – unknown photographer
