Peacock Pencils

Creative Musing
March 2018

Peacock Pencils
Simple mark for a selection of 12 colored pencil crayons. The mark is paired with the typeface Gotham designed by Jonathan Hoefler and Tobias Frere-Jones.



Creative Musing
February 2018

Illustration utilizing basic shapes.



Creative Musing
February 2018


This spunky little bookworm was inspired by my youngest son. The letterforms are a custom typeface designed specifically to for this friendly bookworm.


House Sparrow

Creative Musing
January 2018

House Sparrow
Simple mark nestled in the corner of a pencil case.


A Country For All

Creative Musing
January 2018

A Country For All
“Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”


Ars Fabricandis

Creative Musing
January 2018

Ars Fabricandis
The Latin inscription on this seal translates to "The Art Of Making". Artfulness encompasses craftsmanship, skill, and dedication. These are qualities I value and embody in all the client and personal projects I develop.


The Highlands

Client Project
January 2018

The Highlands
I illustrated this Victorian Gothic Revival Church, named the Highlands for Boon & Caro Sheridan. The church was built in 1885 and now is there home.

  • + Brand Identity

  • + Brand Identity
    + Illustration

Ramen House

Creative Musing
December 2017

Ramen House
Chopsticks, ramen, in a Jukkoku-bachi bowl. The letterforms are a custom typeface designed specifically to for this mark.


Spectrum Health

Client Project
December 2017

Spectrum Health
I worked alongside a team of engineers and developers to design and develop functional prototype application for Spectrum Health. The application catered to both new and returning patients of Spectrum Health facilities, offering features such as iPad-based check-in for hospital and doctor appointments, seamless access to medical records, and entertainment options. This endeavor required a strategic approach, including the use of personas, iterative wire-framing, and meticulous design iterations to craft a compelling and user-centric digital journey for patients.

  • + Customer Journey Storytelling
    + UX/UI Design

  • + Design Direction
    + Qualitative & Quantitative Research
    + Concept Development
    + Sketching & Ideation
    + Illustrative Storytelling
    + User Experience

  • This project was developed in collaboration with Mutually Human.

North Shore

Creative Musing
December 2017

North Shore

An organic clothing brand logo incorporating earth elements seamlessly paired with a custom typeface I designed specifically to complement the mark.


Blue Whale

Creative Musing
November 2017

Blue Whale

Detail of simple circular blue whale mark as a signature for letterhead.


Star Wonder

Creative Musing
November 2017

Star Wonder

I have loved the stars too fondly to be fearful of the night – Sarah Williams. Star Wonder paired with Suburbia print

Buy this Poster
This poster is available for purchase in my shop.

Black Swan Records

Creative Musing
October 2017

Swan Records
There's nothing more pleasing to a designer when two elements come together magically.