Ancestry DNA

Client Project
April 2019

Ancestry DNA
Ancestry DNA offers a fascinating journey into one's past, using cutting-edge DNA technology to uncover ancestral origins and connections. By analyzing a simple saliva sample, Ancestry DNA provides individuals with detailed insights into their genetic ethnicity, connecting them with distant relatives and unraveling the mysteries of their family history. I worked closely with Ancestry DNA to develop a visual design system for their online products.

I led a comprehensive initiative to shape and establish a visual language for Ancestry DNA products. Employing an agile methodology, we navigated through stages of empathy, user interviews, research, illustration and iconography. The resulting visual design system adopted a conceptual and minimalist approach, enriched by overlaying the visual language on diverse human-centric photography.

  • + Visual Design System

  • + Concept Development
    + Illustrative Direction
    + Qualitative & Quantitative Research
    + Sketching & Ideation
    + Graphic Design
    + Illustration
    + Iconography

  • The image college shown is a representation of a 6-month coalesce of project artifacts.